Vera's peakbagging shenanegans

Hey friends! My name is Veronica Ashcroft (she/her), though I'm also known by my nickname, Vera! I'm a transgender hiker and aspiring mountaineer who does a lot of peakbagging. My signature project is my efforts to take a transgender pride flag up as many mountains as I can! As of 2024-08-20, I've done this 569 separate peaks (click here if you want to see a list of all of them). In 2022, I began my project by taking my flag up 115 mountains in the Northeastern USA 4000fters list, and this past spring I worked my way through another 202 mountains in the Southeastern USA! Currently, I'm working through a list of 131 additional prominent mountains in the Northeast USA!!! If you wanna keep up with me as I go through this project, feel free to follow me on either my tumblr, reddit, or insta. You can also feel free to check out my most recent trip report!!! This website is my attempt to kind-of blog my way though the hikes that I do for these projects, along with other trips that I find myself on that I wanna share - and other things that just peak my interest! In its current state, the website is pretty basic, but as I spend more time on this website, it will get bigger and better, but for now feel free to enjoy what I have to offer!

The header to each page on this website contains five links. The first one is to my about me page - which spoilers, is this very page! The second takes you to an index of all the blog posts I put out on this website that don't neatly fall into trip reports. The third link takes you to a list of all the various peakbagging projects that I've done, including both personal as well as official/objective lists. The fourth takes you to a comprehensive list of a 569 peaks I've climbed with a trans pride flag, with geographic, topographic, and peakbagging information about each peak. The firth and final link in the header links to an index of all the trip reports I've logged since March of 2023, along with all of my trip reports from the summer of 2022 and a few others scattered about. As for the footers, there are five additional links there present on every page on this website. The first three link to my reddit, insta, and tumblr respectively - on each of these you can keep up with my project real-time and see previous posts of mine!!! The fourth link is to my page on peakbagger, where you can get the nitty-gritty details about my hikes, along with copies of all of my trip reports. The fifth and final link is to a google drive folder where you can easily access and browse all 569 photos that I've taken on these peaks with a trans pride flag.

The rest of this page contains some of my favorite photos I've taken as part of my projects, so feel free to enjoy :)

Me on top of Hurricane Mountain in the Adirondacks, the 83rd mountain on the New Northeast 131 list, and the 512th mountain overall I've taken a trans pride flag up!!!

Me on top of Kaaterskill High Peak, the 487th mountain I took a flag up!!!

Me on top of Mount Guyot in the Smokies, the 24th mountain on the New Southeast 202 list, and the 146th mountain overall that I've taken a trans flag up!!!

Me on top of Carter Dome, the 98th mountain I took a flag up!!!