Bend Area: November 22nd-

After my initial burst of hiking in Oregon, the focus began to shift toward skiing, and I spent the next few weeks skiing where I could - both front country and back country. It would take a bit for my hiking/skiing/skinning athletic capacity to grow to allow me to climb peaks and ski down them, but there was still some downtime to do trips east of the Cascades. I started with a bike of the four buttes in Bend, and then hiked up Gray Butte just north of it, before hitting ------.

Bend Butte Bike, November 22nd

Having gotten to bend a few weeks prior, I decided to bike up all four buttes in the city in the order of Pilot, Overturf, Tumalo, and then Awbrey. The first two were uneventful as they are quite popular walks, but Tumalo you can only get to 80ft shy of the summit before "no trespassing" signs appear. Awbrey has a radio tower at the top, but you can get right up to the fence. Overall over 20 miles of biking, and I can definitely say I'm on the upswing physical fitness wise from suffering from undiagnosed asthma this whole fall, which is nice

Pretty views!!!
Pilot Butte
Overturf Butte
Pretty trees!!!
Tumalo Butte
Pretty sun!!!
Awbrey Butte

Gray Butte, November 24th

For Gray Butte, we started from Lone Pine Rd and went up 5710 to the North side of the mountain and started from that trailhead. It was a steepening road we followed up the North Side, but the views were fantastic and even better at the summit. Gray Butte is only 80 or so feet shy of being a P2k, and it shows!

Summit photos!!!
Gray Butte

, November th
