Southern Whites: May 24th-June 2nd, 2022

Kicking off my project while living in the upper valley, I decided to get a start by doing the Tripyramid Range. And after failing twice and seriously doubting whether I was even competent enough to do a hiking project like this, I went smaller, and built my way back up to where I needed to be, and found that special something in myself that gave me what I needed to do this thing :)

Mount Tecumseh, May 24th

Starting from Tipoli Rd, I went up first to the north peak and then to the main peak - after feeling quite betrayed by the false-peak-y-ness. Anyhow, I got one of the worst photos of my entire project, but at least it was the first successful solo trip I'd done in a few weeks!


Moosilauke, May 26th

After getting out of classes in the early afternoon, I drove over to the Moosilauke Lodge and started up Gorge Brook, which is the most direct route to the summit. Writing this in 2024, I have extensively written of Moosilauke and it's trail networks in the time since then, so I will simply add that this was my first P2k with the flag! Which considering that's where my center of gravity of peakbagging seems to be located, makes this peak doubly significant!

Summit views!!!

Hancocks, May 27th

Similar to the previous few days, I got out of my afternoon classes and started up the Hancocks in the only thunderstorm that I've hiked in in my two years doing this. For sure it would have been better to do it another day, but there were large gaps in the thunder once I got to the junction, so I cautiously proceeded. Overall a mediocre hike, as these peaks are some of the few mountains in the north that are better done in the winter. The photo on North Hancock I got to somewhat recreate on Kaaterskill in March 2024, so check out both photos if you wanna see a bit of a transition timeline!

South Hancock
North Hancock

Semi Pemi Loop, May 29th

Originally I wanted to do a full Pemi loop with my friends, with spurs at least to West Bond and North Twin, but that was simply outside of my breath as a hiker at the time, so we opted for a Semi Pemi from Flume to Galehead - a total of 26ish miles. This was a slog, and it took us 17 hours to do, but I did get some good photos out of it :)

Pretty views going up Flume!!!
Summit views!!!
Liberty (back when I used to save multiple photos lmao)

Waumbek, May 31st

Waumbek was the first mountain as part of this round of the 115 that I had not done previously, and I approached from the Starr King Trailhead. Overall decent hike, and nothing to write home about two years later


Osceolas, June 2nd

The Osceolas I hit as the last peaks I did during my spring term, approaching from Tripoli Rd. Just like with Waumbek, the hike was good but nothing to write home about two years after the fact

East Osceola
Main Osceola