Eastern High Peaks: June 6th-June 11th, 2022

My original goal was to knock out all or almost all of the 46 in a two week time period between my spring and summer terms, with the hope that this would allow me to spend my extended weekends foraying into the Maine High Peaks instead of the Adirondack High Peaks, allowing me to finish on Katahdin. However, doing the 46 in such a compressed time span proved to be largely untenable, and I was able to knock out around 32 peaks in New York. I was the second week that saw the slow downs, but the first week started out strong

Cascade and Porter, June 6th

After moving my dorm for the summer, I headed out toward the Adirondacks and figured I would spend the evening knocking out the easiest hike, and started up Cascade and Porter. The last time I had done these peaks was during a snowstorm the previous November, so the delightful hiking conditions in comparison made me most happy :)


Northern Great Range, June 7th

I wanted to get my two AMR hikes knocked out quickly, so I started by doing a loop from Lower Wolfjaw to Sawteeth and then back down to the trailhead, hitting Upper Wolfjaw, Armstrong, and Gothics along the way. I found the goings to be easy, espeically because I wasn't doing a full-traverse of the range - so I didn't have the same incentive to take it easy as I did the last time I was on these peaks. Everyone knows the 46 is a shit list because of the 4 sub 4000ft peaks, but honestly I'm far more annoyed at the omission of peaks like Pyramid than I am at the inclusion of peaks like Couchsachraga, as nearby Armstrong has less prominence than Pyramid - as it does to Lookout, Boundary, and one of Tabletop's subpeaks. Such a mess of a list, but a good hike nonetheless

Cool trees!!!
Lower Wolfjaw
Upper Wolfjaw
Summit views from Sawteeth!!!

Nippletop Range, June 8th

My second AMR hike was to knock out Dial to Blake, which was a rather ambitious hike to undertake the day after doing the entire lower Great Range, but was still doable given that I hadn't worn myself out yet. Then thing I remember the most from this hike was the excessive heat on Colvin and the excessive bogs on Dial. Other than those notes, I'll add that Blake is a delightful peak and I'm happy it's part of the 46 - hot take, I know

Summit views from Nippletop!!!
Hehehe... Nippletop

Big Slide, June 9th

After my two nearly 20 mile days back-to-back, I knew I needed something mellower, so I looked at the rain forecast and decided to go up Big Slide, which was one of my favorite in the 46 and my last 46er the first time I slogged through this list. And oh boy, it sucked. I didn't have very warm clothes, so I got absolutely drenched and wrecked by the wind on the Brothers. At the summit I nearly fell off the peak due to the slippery conditions, and when I decided to take the trail straight down instead of the one across the Brothers, I had to bushwhack to avoid crossing the stream in dangerously high water levels. Overall a shitty hike

Big Slide (during and after I realized I was standing next to a cliff on a rainy day on a mountain called "Big Slide")

Phelps, Tabletop, and Colden, June 10th

I figured I would try and combine my hikes of Tabletop and Phelps and Colden into one day since the col between Colden and Tabletop isn't that great. So I started up from South Meadows and went up each in kind, with the hike being unremarkable other than I finally have a memory of Tabletop - which I couldn't for the life of me remember any details of the first time I climbed it (I got witnesses though, so it definitely happened)

Hehehe... what am I hiding there???
The unfortunately, but entirely-coincidentally named "trap dike" path up Colen - hope this tranny dike can do it one day

Algonquin Range, June 11th

My original idea for the day was to do the Algonquin Range from south Meadows and then bushwhack down Iroquois toward Marshall, but I was worried about encountering clifffaces along the way, so I decided to just do the normal three in one of the prettiest hikes I did in the entire adirondacks :)

Algonquin summit views!!!