Finale: September 13th-September 15th, 2022

After my eventful trip to Maine, I was exhausted, but I still had two peaks left on the list: Moriah and Bondcliff, both peaks that I originally intended to do as part of bigger hikes that got cut short due to time/energy concerns. I could have leisurely done these peaks, having nothing but time in the fall hiking season, but I knew that if I pushed to the end, I would be able to finish on the 115th day after I started, which I judged was worth it for the bragging rights. So, after some physical recovery, I pushed on and finished the first week of classes for my fall term

Moriah, September 13th

Moriah was a weird exception to my original plans, but I needed to do it anyway, so I started up one of the trails just outside of Gorham and made my way all the way up, finding some delightful views and some significant winds along the way :)


Bondcliff, September 15th

115 days after I started this round of the 115 back in May, I finished on Bondcliff with a friend of mine. We biked the first three miles of Lincoln Woods and then started up the trail, being greeted to some killer views up top. Up to this point, I had seen Bondcliff from nearly every surrounding angle, and I already knew it would be one of my favorite peaks in the entire northeast. I wasn't disappointed. One day I hope to traverse the ridge over to Bond, but that wasn't in the cards that day. Oh well, still so satisfying - I could even see Carrigain where it had all started nearly three years earlier. In the time since then I've had a lot of different feelings on the 115 and my project in general, but overall, I'm so glad I did this, and it will forever be one of the greatest joys of my life that I got into peakbagging and got to share some trans positivity with the world :)

Pretty views!!!