Sams Point, Ashokan High Point, Overlook Mountain, Tremper Mountain, Red Hill, Balsam Lake Mountain, and Huntersfield Mountain: July 9th-July 10th, 2023

Sams Point, July 6th

Sams point was interesting because to me, this feels like the northernmost southern peak, while Elk Hill, which I did earlier that day, felt like the southernmost northern peak. Oh well, you pay the parking fee at the state park and walk up the road where you get a delightful view before walking along the plateu to the true summit, which is on Carriage Rd. A solid start to the New Northeast 131!!!

Sams Point
Katushka's first peak!!!

Ashokan High Point, July 7th

Ashokan High Point, which for some reason is just called "High Point" in the peakbagger database, is a delightful hike up a maintained NYSDEC trail that takes you through some cool woods up to the ridge, and then scrambles a little bit up to the summit outlook. A nice peak that I would recommend to anyone in the area!

Cool woods!!!
Beaver Dam!!!
Ashokan High Point
Katushka's second peak!!!

Overlook Mountain, July 8th

Overlook is a fairly-well documented peak, so all I have here to add is some pictures!

Cool monestary right outside the trailhead!!!
Cool abandoned structure near the summit!!!
View at the fire tower!!!
Overlook Mountain
Katushka's first fire tower!!!

Tremper Mountain, July 8th

Tremper is a fairly-well documented peak, so all I have here to add is some pictures!

Cool woods!!!
Tremper Mountain
Katushka's second fire tower!!!
Me and Katushka on the tower!!! :D

Red Hill, July 9th

Red Hill is a fairly-well documented peak and also the first fire tower in the Catskills I've encountered that isn't open for the public - you can climb up it but can't get in the top room (at least the day I did it!)

Red Hill

Balsam Lake Mountain, July 10th

Balsam Lake Mountain is fairly-well documented, so all I'll add is that it definitely feels higher-elevation in a way I haven't felt since WV!

Balsam Lake Mountain

Huntersfield Mountain, July 10th

For Huntersfield, I started from Huntersfield road from the western side of the ridge and followed the well-cleared but muddy ATV path to the summit. Getting to the pulloff on the ridge can easily be done in a sedan. Near the summit there's a leanto and a view, which is rather nice!

Trailhead and trail!!!
Summit view!!!
Huntersfield Mountain