Plateu and Black Dome Ranges: July 11th-July 12th, 2023

Plateu, July 11th

For Plateu I started from the trailhead between Sugarloaf and Plateu, and then biked my way over to the Big Indian Trailhead. Since I hate the name of that mountain, I will be referring to it henceforth as "Big". Going up Big was pretty straightforward, though once I got to the proper Devils Path I realized why it had that reputation. Easily harder per-mile than the Great Range Traverse in the Adirondacks, and a lot of hurry up and wait with the flat sections near the summits. Anyhow, blowing through each of the remaining peaks (East Twin, Twin, Sugarloaf, and Plateu) was straightforward if difficult, and when I got to Plateu I was ready to call it a day. Solid hike overall

Katushka on Big!!!
Typical Devils Path trail conditions
View from Summit of East Twin
Katushka on East Twin!!!
East Twin
View from Twin
Katushka on Twin!!!
Katushka on Sugarloaf!!!
Katushka on Plateu!!!

Black Dome, July 12th

From Black Dome I started from the Windham trailhead and biked over to the Thomas Cole Trailhead. Going up Thomas Cole was pretty easy, but the hike from there to Acra Point (i.e. Thomas Cole, Black Dome, and Blackhead) was pretty steep going. The hike back along the ridge to Windham was nicer, and I just managed to clear a storm by the end! Unfortunately my photos for Windham have been lost due to losing my phone a few weeks later and not having backed those photos up, so that sucks :(

Katushka on Camels Hump!!!
Camels Hump
Katushka on Thomas Cole!!!
Thomas Cole
Views near Black Dome
Katushka on Black Dome!!!
Black Dome
Katushka on Blackhead!!!
Bookahs Bump
Acra Point