White Cap Range: September 2nd-September 14th, 2023

White Cap, September 2nd

This ascent of White Cap is simultaneously one of the finest examples of my endurance, and one of the starkest examples of my stupidity. To put it simply, I set out on a 22 mile hike with a handfull of cheeze its and a half-eaten thing of an old crunch bar - and I didn't even manage to finish them. After failing so hard the day before trying to approach Jo-Mary through her western cliff-faces, I decided to approach White Cap from Gulf Hagas, hitting all four of the peaks along the range. The AT is overall really well maintained, but there is no bridge across the river at the start, which led to a mild inconvenience at the start and a serious safety hazard at the end. One of the Ridgerunners at the start was startled when I told him I was doing a single-day White Cap, and in retrospect, his surprise was warranted, but I did get through it all right. Anyhow, there are no views to speak of along the entire ridge until White Cap, which has an impressive set of views of the Barren, Baker, and Spencer Ranges. Overall a solid hike, and one I'm happy to have finished

Gulf Hagas
trail along the ridge and West Peak
Hay Peak
Summit view!!!
White Cap
Hikers should be aware that sharks have been spotted on the summit of White Cap

Moosilauke, September 14th

At the start of our season working at the Ravine Lodge together, me and my friend Katya decided to try and get a sunset hike in before opening night. We went up Gorge Brook and got some delightful views along the way up, but we were entirely shrouded in clouds at the summit. Naturally when we got back to the base, there were clear skies. Sometimes it's like that. Anyhow, we at least got a good selfie at the top!!!

The only view on the hike was a good one!!!
Summit sign!!!
Selfie with my bestie!!! :D