Coot Hill, Belfry, Poke O Moonshine, Lyon, Loon Lake, Debar, and Azure: August 5th-7th, 2023

Coot Hill, August 5th

Coot Hill was an easy hike but to be aware you might want 4WD to get all the way to the trailhead, otherwise you might have to add on another 0.6 miles to your hike. Great views though!

Coot Hill!!!

Belfry Mountain, August 5th

Belfry was a walk in the woods to a nice o'le fire tower, easy and well worth your time


Poke O Moonshine, August 5th

Poke O Moonshine I did from the more northern trailhead at the entrance of a campground, it was a straightforward hike with some nice outlooks and a beautiful summit area, definitely a good one!

Poke O Moonshine!!!

Lyon Mountain, August 5th

Lyon was my fourth hike of the day and I suffered for it, as it was by far the most difficult. That being said, Lyon has great views at the summit and has a biosphere around the summit wholely unique from the rest of the Adirondack-Appalachian Complex I've seen at least - possibly it's more Laurentian...? Idk but it was cool!

Summit area!!!
What I actually look like taking photos ;)

Loon Lake Mountain, August 6th

Loon Lake was a straightforward hike up first a logging road and then a relatively well maintained trail to a summit area with great views. You can't climb the fire tower though, the big sad

Summit area!!!
Loon Lake!!!

Debar Mountain, August 6th

The Debar Mountain Trail is accessed from the campground to its west, which you'll have to pay an eight dollar fee to enter as a day use area, but you can get a shower out of it so there you go. The hike up is not that bad but I was wasted after yesterday and Loon Lake that morning, and when I got to the beautiful summit area I felt scorched by the sun. Kind of interesting this one isn't a 29er tbh, it's got all the requirements!

Summit area!!!

Azure Mountain, August 7th

Azure was a quick hop up before some heavy rained inundated the region for a day and a half, but I was able to get back right before it started raining! Also I can confirm the dirt road connecting the Azure and Saint Regis trailheads is totally drivable in a sedan, so that's nice too!
