Kennebago Range: August 18th-19th, 2023

East Kennebago, August 18th

For East Kennebago, I started on Oddy's Road and went most of the way up to the parking area at around 2300ft, but I pulled off at 2100 because of concerns that my van wouldn't be good for the steep incline - it would have been. Anyhow, going up wasn't an issue along the ATV path, and the divergence to the heard path is clearly marked - I wouldn't call any of this bushwhacking. Ths summit has a sign and register but I didn't manage to open it. Overall a solid peak

East Kennebago

Snow, August 18th

For Snow, be prepared for the old logging roads you walk up to be particularly overgrown in places, so it might make more sense to bushwhack from time to time, but overall the path is pretty self-explanatory, and my particular experience was quite cold on account of it being a cold rainy day - go figure.

Road conditions
Trail conditions

White Cap, August 18th

For White Cap and North Kennebago, the hike will start a fair bit farther out than previous reports suggest, since there are some prominent rocks in the middle of the road at approximately 2000ft that wil hinder the ability of most cars to go any further, so be prepared for a ten mile day down mostly well-cleared road. The hike up White Cap was nice, and the bushwhack/heard path over to North Kennebago was also quite nice, though neither had any views to speak of

These are the rocks that will block any further driving, and even if you can fit your car further, I would caution against it on the basis of a tow truck/truck to pull you can't make it through, so if you get stuck you'll be in some serious shit
Blahaj takes flight!!!
Pretty road!
White Cap
North Kennebago