Bald Area: October 5th-9th, 2023

Mount Pisgah, October 5th

Pisgah was a straightforward hike from Long Pond Road, and the foliage made it well-worth my time. A longer hike than I was expecting, I still got some delightful outlooks

View with pole!!!

Mount Haystack, October 5th

Haystack was a short and sweet hike for me starting from the southern trailhead on Long Pond Road, and I got an unintentional sunset hike, which was delightful

Summit carin

Bald Mountain, October 6th

Bald was a real slog for me, as I was for some reason fucking exhausted, but ultimately the trail wasn't too bad and there is a nice shelter at top. Afterward I had to shelve my plans to do Hor the day after, but whatever


Black Mountain, October 7th

For Black Mountain, I started up from Howe Hill Road, and enjoyed the maintained and publicly-accessible trail all the way to the summit, which had some delightful views of Moosilauke, Clough, and Jeffers

Beautiful view toward Moosilauke

Moosilauke, October 9th

In my October ascent of Moosilauke, me and my friend Eliza ascended via the Asquam Ridge Trail with the goal to summit Jim, Blue, and the South Peak before heading down Carriage Road and assessing its feasibility as a backcountry ski route - givne my skill level, of course. Anyhow, the hike up Ridge Trail was delightful and the summits of both Jim and Blue were wooded but easily accessible - there is a heard path up Blue! Anyhow, the alpine zone is special, as always, and we didn't have enough time to hit the South Peak, so instead went down the East Peak via Gorge Brook. I fucking love this mountain, and even though I love hiking alone, it is nice to have nice company every now and then! :D

View of Blue from just under Jim!
Alpine zone!!!