Gwenaden Area: November 2nd-12th, 2023

Gwenaden, November 2nd

Gwenaden known by it's colonial name, "Jay Peak", was the last P2.5k that I had left to do east of the Mississippi, and it did not disappoint. The Lond Trailhead to the south was already at 2200ft, and so the hike was a gradual one into a delightful, 360 degree view of the snowy mountains all around. Overall a fantastic hike that I will be doing again, since I didn't have enough daylight to hike Big Jay as well - oh well!

My first snowy trail of the season!!!
Beautiful view towards Big Jay!!!

Cold Hollow, November 3rd

For Cold Hollow, I started from the massive red sugarhouse at the elbow of the 90 degree turn on 109. I lingered and asked permission to park there, and was happily granted it, with the stipulation that I visit their sugarhouse afterward. Nice folks. Anyhow, starting up the road I was shocked anyone would drive this, even in a Jeep, cause it fucking sucks. Great to hike on, but I recommend against driving up unless you've got an ATV or 4wd vehicle you don't care about. Anyhow, the bushwack for me started at around 2300ft, and the woods were open and delightful until around 2800ft. Unfortunately for me, I lost my overboots along the bushwack, so I got quite muddy towards the top. Oh well, sometimes life just fucking sucks

Road conditions
View along the road
Typical bushwhacking conditions below spruce-line
Cold Hollow

Signal Mountain, November 4th

For Signal Mountain, I drove my car up the mountain road from 302 up until about 2000ft. The road conditions were good, but there were some considerable, occasional, bumps in the road due to erosion. I decided to hike from 2000ft to the start of the bushwhack at 2300ft, but honestly I could have driven the whole way easily. Recommend a high-clearance vehicle for this one. Anyhow, the bushwhack was steep but delightful, and the summit offered no views but was still enjoyable

Bushwhacking conditions
Signal Mountain

Moosilauke, November 12th

For my November ascent of Moosilauke, me and my friend Lydia went up Gorge Brook and down Carriage Road to assess the feasibility of backcountry skiing the trail in winter - given our skill level, of course. On the way we were able to hit South Peak, which was ensconced in clouds but which was delightful nonetheless. I fucking love winter hiking and these were the first winter hiking conditions I encountered this season, and now I'm excited for the rest. Lydia was somewhat less enthused about the cold winds in the alpine zone, but was comforted when I reminded her that she would have a dishwashing shift after the hike, so she would be able to warm up next to the Hobart. Overall fantastic hike and I was delighted to have company :D

Outlook on Gorge Brook looking toward Carr
Me and my friend and Katushka and her JEE JAW shirt :D
Carriage Road just off the summit
Moosilauke South Peak
Me and Katushka!!!