Thunderhead Backpacking trip: June 6th-7th, 2023

Hike from Tremont up to Spence Field Shelter, June 6th

I was originally going to meet up with a friend today but she couldn't make it, so I instead decided to get a head start on my Thunderhead Backpack in the Smokies, which I had originally planned to do with Clingman's but had to push back due to poor planning on my part (feel free to check out my report on that debacle back in early April). Anyway, I get going by about three or so when I park at Upper Tremont and bike down to Lower Tremont, where I stash my bike in the trees and start the series of Trails up to the AT. All of those trails were well-maintained, but it was a kind of brutally hot day for me, even though objectively the temperatures weren't that high - sleeping at 5000ft the previous night spoiled me. Anyhow, I finally made it to the shelter by about 8 or so, and was able to crash with some section hikers

Typical trail conditions from Lower Tremont to the AT

Thunderhead, Brier, and Davis, June 7th

Woke up and immediately pushed myself up Thunderhead, having not packed any hot meal for breakfast. Encountered some unexpected balds leading toward Rocky Top and got views of the entire Smokies along the way. The summit of Thunderhead itself was kinda uninteresting, but the hike itself was great. On to Brier Knob and Mount Davis and less views but not too difficult bushwhacks in either case. The route down to Upper Tremont was delightful, and the blowdowns I was complaining about back in April have been cleared! yippie!

AT conditions
View of Thunderhead
View from bald below Rocky Top looking toward Gregory Bald
View of Blockhouse and De Armond "Bald", which clearly isn't
Newton Bald and Nettle Creek Bald in the distance - my first peaks in the Smokies!
Thunderhead (though shamelessly taken on Rocky Top)
Brier Knob
Mount Davis
Trial conditions leading back to Upper Tremont (they cleared the blowdowns on the second image from the last time I was here in April! Neat!)