Chapman Backpacking trip: June 14th-15th, 2023

Porters, Eagle Rocks, Chapman, and Sequoya: June 14th

The first day was a slog, with the goal being to backpack from Newfound Gap to Pecks Corner Shelter, and then to spur on to Chapman and back, which would account for about 20 miles in total. The AT up toward Kephart was pretty typical for the AT overall: wide, rocky, and with lots of traffic. However after passing Charlie Bunion, the traffic dropped off considerably, and the trail quality miraculously improved. Porters was pretty typical for a 5000fter in the eastern Smokies, and once I got to Pecks Corner Shelter I was wasted, having not ate anything since leaving Newfound Gap 11 miles prior. After talking to two old Sobo hikers though, I was rejuvinated and was able to go out and tap Chapman and back, with my body really running on empty by the end. Fortunately for me the forecasted heavy rain never materialized either during the hike or overnight, which was a welcome happenstance!

Porters False Peak (which ironically is the high point of the mountain)
Views on the ridge from Porters to Pecks Corner
AT leading up to Pecks Corner Shelter
Outlook before Eagle Rocks
Eagle Rocks
Outlook near Chapman
Mount Chapman
Mount Sequoya

Laurel Top and Kephart, June 15th

This day was even more of a slog than the last one, with it having the distinction of being the first time I've ever backpacked where I've had to go back the way I came - not too fun, as it turns out to be. Anyway, Laurel Top was just like Porters and Kephart was surprisingly easy, with the final descent to Newfound Gap being pretty straightforward. This was my last hike in the Smokies, and I did get a little sentimental by the end of it, none the least of which because that'll be the highest in elevation I get until I go back out west! Until then I suppose

View of the ridge from Pecks Corner all the way to Guyot
Laurel Top
View leading toward Kephart
Mount Kephart - the last of my Southern Sixers!!! :)