Mount Jefferson, Glade Mountain, and Sand Mountain: June 19th-21st, 2023

Mount Jefferson, June 19th

For Jefferson I drove up the State Park Road right up to the trailhead 300ft below the summit, and took the wide, gradual trail to the summit, which I had to myself due to the weekday cold rain combo. Could have been a nice view

Mount Jefferson

Glade Mountain, June 20th

For Glade I started from the 647 trailhead at 3200ft and went along the AT over Brushy and Locust. I had heard that Glade Mountain Road was closed to AT hikers due to a dispute about usage, and although I wasn't able to conform/disprove that, there were no cars at the trailhead, nor places to park, so I wouldn't count on that access. Regardless, the cold rain hike was a trip, but I got to the top alright and got back under the infinite tree-rain. Could have been a good hike with better weather, but it wasn't. Oh well, it is what it is

AT conditions
Brushy Knob (bad photo)
Locust Knob (bad photo)
Glade Mountain (better photo)

Sand Mountain, June 21st

For Sand I took the trail up from the Virginia DWR trailhead, which requires a fee you can purchase online. The trail was honestly overgrown and the bushwhack had more open woods tbh, although that was pretty brief. Once again, lots of rain

Trail conditions
Sand Mountain (was not happy with how wet I was)