Flattop Mountain, Apple Orchard Mountain, Highcock Knob, Tobacco Row Mountain, Rocky Mountain, Devils Knob, Meadow Mountain, and Three Top Mountain: June 23rd-27th, 2023

Flattop Mountain, June 23rd

Flattop trail from BRP will take you up a gradual and nice trail to a summit with no views, but with potential views along the way if you don't end up doing it on a rainy day like this. A simple hike

Flattop Mountain

Apple Orchard Mountain, June 23rd

Apple Orchard was the 19th most prominent peak I had done up to this point, but the simple walk up didn't feel like it. The AT is well maintained from the north approach along BRP, and the baldy summit would have nice views if it weren't for the constant rain and clouds

Cool rock on the trail!!!
Summit sign!!!
Apple Orchard Mountain

Highcock Knob, June 23rd

Once I saw the name of this peak, I knew I needed to add it to my list. The trail from 781 was nicely maintained, but there are no views at the summit, and even worse: no summit sign :(

Highcock Knob

Tobacco Row Mountain, June 24th

Tobacco Row was a simple drive up from 779 from the south, which is doable in a Sedan. Nice views at points

Tobacco Row Mountain

Rocky Mountain, June 24th

Rocky is a more complex drive up, with Cottytown Road up to Salt Log Gap being doable in a sedan, but with FR 1176 up to the summit needing higher clearance and - if doing it in wet conditions - 4wd. Disappointing summit

Rocky Mountain

Devils Knob, June 24th

Devils Knob is a drive up the ski area, with the summit itself being a water tower, but with some nice outlooks near the summit.

Devils Knob

Meadow Mountain, June 26th

A friend and I were going to do Three Top via the AT here, but it was really fucking hot and fixing to thunderstorm, so we diverted to this brief bushwhack and I got someone else to take my photos for the first time in a year! Nice stuff

Meadow Mountain

Three Ridges, June 27th

The day after we approached Three Top from the AT, but taking the logging road to the west of Meadow Mountain, which was a nice little hack that cut off a lot of the elevation. Up and down the AT with some nice views here and there, and I felt like a real hiker for the first time since High Rocks it feels like.

Bee Mountain
Outlook view!!!
Three Ridges