Blue Knob, Red Spruce Knob, Thorny Flat, Guadineer Knob, Spruce Knob, Cacapon Mountain, and Martin Hill: July 3rd-July 4th, 2023

Blue Knob, July 3rd

From Kennison Mountain trailhead you can take the alrighty-maintained trail to the summit, with some beautiful ecology along the way :)

Cool ecology!!!
Blue Knob

Red Spruce Knob, July 3rd

From Red Spruce trailhead you can take the well-maintained trail to the summit, with some beautiful ecology reminiscent of the 6000ft+ elevations down south and the 3500ft+ elevations up north, which is to say, pretty :)

Absolutely beautiful rainshower in the higher-elevation ecology!!! Beautiful!!!
Cool ecology!!!
Red Spruce Knob

Throny Flat, July 3rd

There's a ski resort on the top of this mountain. Well, not the *tippity top*, but seeing as I don't care to get to the *tippity top*, I got my photos at a beautiful outlook, with some fantastic hair! Well worth it imo. At the summit I updated my car insurance after finding out it had lapsed earlier that day, luckily nothing happened, but that could have been real fucking shitty - thankfully it wasn't!

Thorny Flat

Guadineer Knob, July 3rd

Guadineer Knob is drivable nearly to the summit up Public Route 27, with the final 50ft being walkable on a maintained trail. There's an outlook farther beyond if that strikes your fancy, but I already had spectacular views on Thorny Flat, so I was content to move on to Spruce Knob

Guadineer Knob

Spruce Knob, July 3rd

There are many reports on Spruce Knob, so all I'll add is saying it appears all road approaches are on paved road, and my dumbass tried to go up one route on less than a quarter tank, and had to turn around, get gas, and then went up another way. Nice views and my final southern P2k!!! :)

Reddish Knob

Cacapon Mountain, July 4th

Cacapon I did from the State Park Mountain Outlook Road, walking along a gated access road to the summit, which is towered and with not-really-real views

Cacapon Mountain

Martin Hill, July 4th

Martin Hill is drivable to the summit along Blankey Road and Martin Hill Road, with both being easily doable in a sedan. No views at the summit, but with some good views along the drive up!

Martin Hill