" State High Points!!!

State High Points!!!

Below is a list of all the peaks that I have climbed as part of my peakbagging projects that are the highest point in their respective states!!! As part of these projects, I took a transgender pride flag to the top of each of these peaks!!! I've only included the ones I've climbed so far, but as time goes on, I hope this list will get bigger and bigger!!! Each peak is linked to its page on peakbagger, along with its elevation, prominence, isolation, and location pulled from that website. Also, each peak has the date I climbed it, and each date is linked to a trip report on this website which will include photos from the ascent - including, of course, the flag photos!!! Finally, note that I try and use an indigenous name for a mountain whenever I have that data available, so oftentimes the linked peak will show up under a different, colonial name. If you know any other indigenous names for any of these mountains, let me know and I will happily correct their names!!!

You can feel free click on each of the table headers and get a list sorted by that parameter (isolation, date, etc.). If you click on a header twice, the list will sort in reverse order. When linked from the outside, the default is to sort by prominence, but the list also looks really cool from other perspectives!!!

Number ⇅ Name ⇅ Elevation (ft) ⇅ Prominence (ft) ⇅ Isolation (km) ⇅ Date Climbed ⇅ State ⇅ Peak on List ⇅
1 Agiocochook 6288 6148 1318.9 2022-07-10 NH NE115
2 Attakulla 6684 6089 1913.5 2023-05-18 NC SE202
3 Black 4139 1899 23.6 2023-05-01 KY SE202
4 Brasstown Bald 4784 2108 25.5 2023-04-26 GA SE202
5 Campbell Hill 1549 639 272.5 2024-08-15 OH n/a
6 Cheaha 2405 1445 171.8 2023-04-26 AL SE202
7 Davis 3213 653 40.2 2024-08-14 PA n/a
8 Ebright Azimuth 450 40 1.2 2024-08-12 DE n/a
9 Frissell South Slope 2382 0 0 2024-08-11 CT n/a
10 Greylock 3487 2463 38.1 2023-08-14 MA NE131
11 High Point 1803 901 38.2 2024-08-12 NJ n/a
12 Hoosier Hill 1257 297 75.1 2024-08-15 ID n/a
13 Hoye Crest 3360 80 2 2024-08-14 MD n/a
14 Jerimoth Hill 812 192 21.5 2024-08-10 RI n/a
15 Katahdin 5268 4288 254.8 2022-09-07 ME NE115
16 Kuwahi 6643 4503 113.8 2023-04-05 NC/TN SE202
17 Mozdebiwajo 4393 3633 83.6 2022-08-10 VT NE115
18 Rogers 5729 2449 65.3 2023-05-05 VA SE202
19 Spruce Knob 4861 2781 282.3 2023-07-03 WV SE202
20 Sunflower 4039 19 1.4 2024-08-19 KS n/a
21 Tahawus 5344 4914 208.6 2022-07-16 NY NE115
22 Taum Sauk 1772 512 238.4 2024-08-17 MO n/a